Retaining Your Agents

The secret to explosive growth

Agent retention is something that we all think about, but it can be difficult to actually do on a regular basis. Throw in multiple employees and offices, and it gets exponentially more difficult. 3 Data Pulse makes that easy for you by telling you who you need to reach out to today.

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EKG Scoring

Real estate is the only industry where 100% of your assets leave every night, and you hope they come back in the morning. 3 Data Pulse looks at over 20 different factors, and analyzes 1.5 million data points to assign a risk score for each agent in your company. This score is a predictive model of which agents are likely to leave your company in the next 6 weeks.We call this the EKG score.


It’s not about price…

…it’s about value.

Let’s face it, as much as we hear it and like to admit it, agents don’t leave for money. If they did, they wouldn’t have joined your company in the first place. Its more about the “value” than the money.

With our agent surveys and reminders, you can reinforce not only your value proposition at every interaction with an agent, but their individual decision to join your company, and make sure that they never question why they are with your company, or paying a split or fee.


“The greatest ah-ha moment I had with 3DP was when Covid hit. It was important for us not to just keep in touch with our agents to see how their business was going but to see how THEY were doing. Before 3DP, that would have been a daunting task to reach out to a few hundred agents, but with this system we were able to assign a group of agents to our managers and staff. After they called an agent, they would enter the notes in the system and I could go in and read how everyone was doing and offer specific help from leadership if needed.”

— Beau Keenan


Dickson Realty